
Research Article

Effects of carazolol on electrocadiographic and trace element status in sheeps

Remzi Gonul, Lora Koenhemsı, Handan Aydın Vural*, Tevfik Gulyasar, Hasret Demırcan Yardıbı, Erman OR and Bora Barutcu

Published: 09 April, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-004

Carazolol is a non-specific β-adrenargic reseptor blocking agent. It ıs structurally analogous to catecholamins, in that, when administered, it forms reversible bonds with β-adrenergic, however, induce adrenergic effects, and it inhibits the actions of the catecholamins in times of stres by saturing their sites of operation. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effects of carazolol on some serum enzymes, trace elements and cardiovascular status in sheep. Seven sheeps (age 6 months, 35 ± 10 kg) were used in this study. Carazolol administered by the intramuscular route at the dose of 0.01 mg/kg. Serum levels of urea, creatinin, ALT, AST, G-GT, LDH, T. protein, Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Se were investigated. Although all serum enzymes did not show any difference, serum Fe and Zn levels were decreased. Important results were obtained in electrocardiography (abnormal T wave and ST segment depression).

These results suggest that carazolol may increase incidence rate of myocardiyal ischemia risk in sheeps and it investigated by new researches.

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Carazolol; Sheep; Ecg; Trace elements


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