Table of Contents

Myiasis in a Backyard Pig: A Case Report

Published on: 27th May, 2024

Background: Myiasis is a parasitic infestation of livestock animals caused by dipteran larvae. The presence of wounds, lack of hygiene on the farm, and temperate climatic conditions contribute to myiasis. Swine can be infested by myiasis if injured pigs are not treated properly and failure to treat myiasis in time may cause the culling or death of the pigs, resulting in huge economic loss to the farmers. But like humans and other farm animals, pigs also deserve to be treated and cured of any suffering or disease. Therefore, this study is documented on pig myiasis and its management because to date a few cases have been reported on it.Case presentation: This case report documented the successful management of neck myiasis in a male, 9-month-old, 12-kg-weighing backyard pig. The wound site was cleaned using antiseptics and maggots were removed. The site was treated with turpentine oil, and ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg B.W. and S/C. A combination of streptomycin (12.5 mg/kg B.W.) and penicillin (20000 IU/kg B.W.) was used IM daily for 5 days to prevent secondary bacterial infection. The wound was dressed regularly on every alternate day until the complete removal of maggots and the formation of granulation tissue.Conclusion: Through proper therapeutic management, the backyard pig’s neck myiasis wound was successfully healed in 10 days without any complications.
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Complications of External Otitis in Horses

Published on: 21st May, 2024

The physiological removal of foreign bodies in the horse’s external ear canal is best achieved by head-shaking. However, external otitis in the horse induces moderate to severe pain: therefore, the horse does not shake his head. The causes of external otitis are dust, water in the external ear canal, keratin, and ceruminous debris. The clinical symptoms are ear discharge, skittishness, facial nerve paresis, and/or head tilt. After the horse has been sedated, the most important diagnostic procedure is the endoscopy of the cartilaginous and osseous part of the external ear canal, including the evaluation of the transparency of the tympanic membrane. The clinical complications of external otitis are hearing loss, facial nerve paresis, head tilt, hypertrophy of the tympanostylohyoideum, and corneal ulcers. The most important treatment is soaking up the exudate in the osseous part of the external ear canal using small cotton balls which are held by the foreign body forceps of the endoscope. Based on the results of the culture of exudate and the antibiogram, an antibacterial drug must be administered orally for 3 to 4 weeks. At this time, an endoscopy of the external ear canals and guttural pouches also has to be done. Based on the outcome of the endoscopy, endoscopic and clinical investigations have to be performed six months later as well. Only 7/19 horses had a normal osseous part of the external ear canal with a transparent tympanic membrane, including normal hearing measured by the brainstem auditory-evoked response after one month of treatment.
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Long monitoring of Birds of Elssuki Area. Sinnar State, Sudan

Published on: 16th April, 2024

This study aims to make a database of the birds in the area of Elssuki, Sinnar state - Sudan. The period of study spanning from 2008 to 2023 with a mix of methods used to identify bird species in many sites in the locality, these methods include road count, line transects, and direct count besides registering every strange, rare, or unusual single species seen in the area. All these methods are used by different researchers and applied in such studies in Sudan.The study revealed that the area is one of the important areas enriched of birds in Sinnar state of 19 orders 53 families. The total number of species is 129 species. It included all birds; water birds, tree birds, diving birds, dabbling birds, swimming birds, small waders, and passerines which the most. The study concluded that there is a need for comprehensive and regular studies and short and long-term monitoring to identify, classify, and establish a database for Sudan Birds Atlas.
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